Online Sessions

Our online sessions utilise a free VTT (Virtual table top) called AboveVTT, which is a google chrome extension that imports data from the official DnD website, DnDbeyond. Players can create characters, make homebrew weapons, monsters and explore official Wizard of the Coast content through DnDbeyond. There are subscription options for DnDbeyond, but players only need to create a free account to access AboveVTT. You will need to do this via a computer, laptop or tablet as AboveVTT is not accessible on mobile. You don’t need a high end PC, but a steady internet connection is a must. You’ll be sent a link to join the game, choose your character and you’re in!

We advise the use of headphones, microphone and a webcam. However, you don’t need to have your camera on or speak aloud, as AboveVTT allows for text chat. We strongly advise that players speak aloud and appear on camera in order to build confidence and bonds with fellow players and their DM, however, we understand this can be a big step and we’re happy to wait until you are ready.

Before we start the game your DM will give a brief run down of the VTT’s controls and functionality. It is relatively straight forward to use and much of it is automated, including dice rolls and applying damage to monsters.

How to join a game

Below is a short tutorial on how to join an online game using AboveVTT.